Many different items are included in a product category. How will the quality of the item be measured during bid evaluation? How do you ensure the beneficiary is obtaining a quality product?

Contracts are awarded to eligible bidders who meet the requirements outlined in the Request for Bids (RFB) Instructions, including being accredited by a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved accrediting organization and licensed by the state as applicable, and whose bid amounts fall at or below the pivotal bid*. Like any Medicare-enrolled supplier, bidders who are awarded contracts are expected to comply with the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Standards and the DMEPOS Quality Standards. In addition, contract suppliers must comply with the terms of their competitive bidding contract throughout the contract period of performance. Please see the Contract Supplier Obligations, Monitoring, and Education fact sheet for additional information.

* Pivotal Bid - The lowest bid for the lead item in the product category based on bids submitted by suppliers for a product category in a CBA (competition) that includes a sufficient number of suppliers to meet the projected beneficiary demand for the items in that competition.

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Updated: 07/09/2019