My business is moving to a new location in about a month. Will this be a problem?

To be eligible for a contract offer, you must have an active billing number. The National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) also requires your billing number to be active. Therefore, if you are moving to a new location you must notify the NSC of your change of address within 30 days of the change. Additionally, all information associated with the move must be communicated to the NSC and updated in the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS). For additional information, please contact the NSC at 866-238-9652 or visit the NSC’s website.

PECOS information is used to determine if a bidder meets all enrollment requirements (outlined in the Request for Bids (RFB) Instructions). Therefore, as long as the new enrollment information is communicated to NSC timely and updated in PECOS by the close of the bid window, your bid(s) should not be impacted by the move. Please note that if you are opening a new location that has not been previously enrolled, it could take approximately six to eight months for a new location to be enrolled and assigned a billing number or Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) by the NSC. The new location must be properly licensed, accredited, etc., which are also requirements a bidder must meet to be eligible for a contract offer(s).

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Updated: 07/09/2019