Bid Surety Bonds

Suppliers bidding in Round 2021 of the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program are required to obtain a $50,000 bid surety bond from an authorized surety on the Department of the Treasury’s List of Certified Companies for each competitive bidding area (CBA) for which they submit a bid. Bidders must provide proof of having obtained the required bid surety bond(s) by uploading a copy of the bond(s) in the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program’s secure portal, Connexion, by the close of the bid window.

Bidders are only required to obtain one bid surety bond per CBA regardless of the number of product categories for which they are submitting a bid. If a bidder is offered a contract for a product category in a CBA and its bid is at or below the median composite bid rate, the bidder must either accept the contract offer(s) or forfeit the bid surety bond for that CBA. The bidder must accept the offer for all product categories in which its composite bid is at or below the median composite bid rate for that CBA, or the bid surety bond for that CBA will be forfeited.

For more information, please review 42 CFR §414.412(g) as well as the bid surety bond fact sheet, sample bid surety bond template, bid surety bond checklist, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and other pertinent information provided below.



Checklist to ensure that all bid surety bond requirements are met.
Updated: 03/07/2019
Frequently asked questions concerning bid surety bonds.
Updated: 07/09/2019
Template for education purposes and may not reflect an actual bid surety bond provided by a surety.
Updated: 03/07/2019
Information for bidders and authorized sureties regarding the bid surety bond requirement.
Updated: 03/07/2019
Information about the 130 CBAs included in Round 2021.
Updated: 04/12/2021
The final rule published on November 4, 2016.
Updated: 03/07/2019
The final rule published on November 14, 2018.
Updated: 03/07/2019
Published on April 16, 2015.
Updated: 03/07/2019
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Updated: 05/07/2019