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IMPORTANT: All hardcopy documents must be RECEIVED by the CBIC by the close of the bid window. We cannot accept faxed or e-mailed hardcopy documents.

PDF Covered Document Review Date (PDF, PDF - 210 KB)
Information about the process that allows bidders to be notified of any missing financial documents.
PDF Hardcopy Document Package Checklist (PDF, PDF - 195 KB)
A checklist of all the hardcopy documents each bidder must submit.
PDF Required Financial Documents (PDF, PDF - 269 KB)
This fact sheet contains detailed instructions about how to submit the required hardcopy financial documents.
PDF Required Financial Documents Chart (PDF, PDF - 451 KB)
A chart detailing the financial documents required to be submitted based on the type of business.
PDF Sample Financial Statements (PDF, PDF - 233 KB)
Samples of the financial statements each bidder must submit.

last updated on 08/11/2015


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