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Contract Suppliers

> Contract Supplier Locations

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced the names of the suppliers that have been awarded contracts to provide competitively bid durable medical equipment, accessories, and supplies, to Medicare beneficiaries in Round 2 Recompete and the national mail-order recompete competitive bidding areas (CBAs). For a current, comprehensive list of contract supplier locations in each CBA, please visit www.medicare.gov/supplierdirectory/search.html.

Contract suppliers are expected to fulfill the obligations of their contracts for the duration of the contract period. For additional information, please see the Contract Supplier Obligations fact sheet. Starting July 1, 2016, beneficiaries with Original Medicare who obtain competitively bid items in these CBAs must obtain these items from a Round 2 Recompete and national mail-order recompete contract supplier for Medicare to pay, unless an exception applies. For a list of exceptions, please see the Exemptions to the Requirement to Be a Contract Supplier for Competitively Bid Items and Services fact sheet.

PDF Contract Offers (PDF, PDF - 540 KB)
PDF Contract Supplier Obligations (PDF, PDF - 230 KB)
Contract suppliers are responsible for fulfilling all terms of their contracts, starting on the very first day of the contract period, for the duration of the contract period. Here are key contract terms with which contract suppliers must comply throughout the contract period.
PDF Exemptions from the Requirement to be a Contract Supplier for Competitively Bid Items and Service - Round 2 Recompete and the National Mail-Order Recompete (PDF, PDF - 61 KB)
Non-contract suppliers that furnish competitively bid items in a competitive bidding area (CBA) are not eligible for Medicare Part B payment for the competitively bid items for that CBA unless one or more of the exceptions listed applies.

last updated on 04/30/2018


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